FAATIR ENGINEER’s vast experience in the construction industry has allowed us to establish the best economical solutions for our clients. Whether the project is a Construction or Design-Build Turn-Key, we will provide value engineering to ensure that our customers are...
Faatir Engineers is a leading contractor of large-scale turn-key projects, undertaking complete range of Engineering, Procurement and Construction activities. Through continuous investments in its personnel and equipment, FEPL has consistently delivered complex and challenging projects to the highest technological standards and...
Faatir Engineers is one of the most reputed and trusted companies in road projects and is widely considered to be an emerging leader in the industry. We are an authorized Contractor by the different Government, Semi Government and Private...
Faatir Engineers is a self-performing, heavy-civil contractor specializing in the construction and rehabilitation of small & urban dams, Canals, pipelines, and other major water resource projects. Faatir Engineers provides our clients innovative and cost-effective solutions to their complex projects....
We offer commitment at all levels of building project, from preparing for construction to construction management services. For years, we have successfully met our client’s demand for cost effective and responsive services.
Faatir Engineers is one of the most reputed and trusted companies in sector development. We have experience in sector development and constructed many societies and sectors as main contractor.